Discover Peru With a South American Adventure Tour

Discover Peru in the getaway of a lifetime that will have you visiting the marvel that is Machu Picchu, immersed in the standard Inca way of life and significantly, significantly alot more.

With South America Adventure Tours and their 'Peru Discovery' package, which is tailor-made to your own private requirements, you will get an authentic taste of a country brimming with a colourful, contrasting culture and scenery that will blow you away.

Your tour will start in the Peruvian capital Lima - Latin America's fifth largest city and home to striking, vast and varied architecture that you will be treated to on the Colonial and Contemporary City Tour. Just a selection of these sights and activities involve San Francisco Convent and its Catacombs, a go to to Larco Herrera Museum for the world-renowned exhibits of over 45,000 archaeological pieces, and San Isidro to acquire a stunning view of the Pacific Ocean.

Right after a relaxing stay in your chosen hotel, the actual adventure will begin as you'll fly more than to Arequipa, or as the Inca's referred to it, "The land behind the volcanoes" - And you can see why, as its skyline is dominated by the prominent volcanic cone of El Misti. Dating back to the 16th century and built on volcanic lava, the citadel of the Santa Catalina convent will be just one of the lots of memories you'll take with you from this extraordinary part of Peru.

The following days will bring you to Colca Valley, passing by the thermal baths of Yura prior to ascending up to three,800 metres above sea-level and to the 'National Reserve of Pampa de CaƱahuas'. Back down the valley you'll experience Puno and its gorgeous Inca terraces, then across Lake Titicaca to step foot on the unique floating islands inhabited by the Uros Indians and the Aymara community. These islands produced from reeds are no a lot more than a staggering 1-foot thick, a genuine spectacle contemplating they are inhabited by entire communities and their huts!

It's tough for an adventure like this to have a centrepiece, then again on your ninth day in Peru you will come face to face with Machu Picchu, a worldwide wonder which seriously will leave you awe-inspired as you make your way by means of this extraordinary city created absolutely of stone blocks with the most masterful and artful precision.

Other highlights will consist of excursions to Cuzco, Sacred Valley and a trip on the luxury Andean Explorer (Orient Express). Then to round off an unforgettable 12-day journey, you will come full circle and return to Lima to soak up the rest of this enchanting city, it is buildings and of course - the sun!


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